AIIMS NORCET Practice Sample Papers
As a NORCET aspirant, one must have a strategy to prepare for it. NORCET examinations are one of the toughest exams in the nursing competitive exams category and it needs rigorous practice and commitment. No matter how hard you study, keep reading the nursing competitive exam books, but referring to AIIMS NORCET Practice Sample Papers from the previous year papers will give you aspects of preparation that may be new. Believe it or not, in NORCET exams questions sometimes are repeated. NORCET Aspirants must know how to take advantage of it by referring to the NORCET questions of the previous year.
1. The formation of retinal a component of the light sensitive rhodopsin molecule — Vitamin A.
2. The transparent part of the anterior portion of sclera — Cornea.
3. An opacity of the normally transparent crystalline lens — Cataract.
4. The side effect of phenytoin — Gingivital hyperplasia.
5. The drug of choice for amebiasis — Metronidazole.
6. The drug of choice for roundworms — Mebendazole.
7. The drug of choice for pinworm — Pyrantel Panomate.
8. The drug of choice for malaria — Choloroquine.
9. The broad-spectum antibiotics — Sulfonamides.
10. An oral anti-co-angulants has a greater potential for bleeding than heparin — Warafarin.
11. The antifungal are used to treat athlete foot — Clotrimazole.
12. Acyclovir (zovirax) is primarily used for — Herpes Simplex Virus.
13. The common side effort of Nitroglycerine — Headache.
14. During the first few days after birth, the infant may lose — 5-10% of their body weight.
15. Iron deficiency anemia can cause symptoms — Pallor, Fatigue, Irritability.
16. The functional units of kidneys are — Nephron.
17. The most common sources of salmonella infection — Poultry and Eggs.
18. Grunting is an abnormal breathing pattern, which usually indicates — Respiratory Distress.
19. The posterior fontanel is closed at — 2 months.
20. The anterior fontanel is closed at — 12-18 months.
21. “Shin Bone” is known as — Tibia.
22. Anorexia is the first indicator of — Digoxin Toxicity.
23. The white outer coating of the eye is — Sclera.
24. Decrease in cardiac output — Lowers B.P.
25. High Tyramine food causes — Hypertensive Crisis.
26. The dilation of coronary and peripheral arteries causes — Hypotension.
27. Tremors or a shaky feeling indicates hypoglycemia and impending — Insulin Shock.
28. Shortness of breath, diaphoresis, palpitations and an apprehension of closed spaces are symptoms of — Phobic Disorder (i.e. Claustrophobia).
29. An increase in alpha fetoprotein is indicative of — Neural Tube Defects.
30. Clubbing, a thickening and flattening of the tips of the fingers and toes due to — Chronic Hypoxemia and Polycythemic.
31. DM-I include cardinal signs of diabetes — Poyphagia, Polydipsia and Polyuria.
32. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is responsible for stimulating the development of — Ovarian Graafian Follicles.
33. Weight of uterus is — 60 gm.
34. Respiratory centre stimulation is — CO2.
35. Triad symptoms of depression are —Decreased Motor Activity, Increased Mood and Speech.
36. Hyponatremia can precipitate — Lithium Toxicity.
37. The recommended daily energy intake of an adult pregnant women is — 2900 kcal.
38. Isoniazid (INH) is most powerful antibacterial drug, used principally in — Treating TB.
39. The route used for Mantoux testing is — Intradermal.
40. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease of — Connective Tissue.
41. Classic symptoms of nephritic syndrome — Proteinuria, Edema and Hypoalbuminemia.
42. Human chronic gonadotrophin (HCG) levels are increased during pregnancy — Hydatid Mole and Chorio-Carcinoma.
43. Wrong perception of sensory stimuli called — Illusion.
44. The iron-containing pigment of RBC that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues — Hemoglobin.
45. Morphine is contraindicated in bronchial asthma causes — Suppress the respiratory centre.
46. The most common side effect of cholaramphenicol drug — Gray Baby Syndrome.
47. Coining of new words is known as — Neologism.
48. Constant presence of disease in specific geographical area refers to — Endemic.
49. The Indian Nursing Council Act was proposed in — 1947.
50. Involuntary repetition of words spoken by others — Echolalia.
51. Normal saline or physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) is an — Isotonic Saline Solution.
52. Respiration marked by rattling or bubbling sounds — Stertorous Respiration.
53. Kussmaul breathing means a very deep, repetitive, gasping respiratory pattern associated with — DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis).
54. Trained nurse association of india was (TNAI) established in — 1908.
55. The largest part of brain concerned with co-ordination of voluntary movements is —Cerebellum.
56. The richest source of essential amino acid (EAA) are — Pulses.
57. Lathyrism is caused due to excessive consumption of — Khesari Dal.
58. The longest portion of the fallopian tube is — Ampullary Portion.
59. Endometrium in pregnancy is known as — Decidua.
60. The confirmatory diagnosis of TB is — Sputum.
61. Civil wrongful act, committed by a person, against another person’s property — Torts.
62. Antidote of Morphine overdose — Naloxone.
63. Lead poisoning is known as — Plumbism.
64. Morning sickness usually disappears by the end of — 3 months.
65. The commest valvular disease in pregnancy is — Mitral stenosis.
66. The largest public health campaign of the country is — Pulse Polio Immunization (PPI).
67. The system of storing and transporting vaccines is termed as — Cold Chain.
68. Apical pulse is assessed by placing the diaphragm of the stethoscope over — The Apex of Heart.
69. The physical activity while performing activities of daily living (ADL) is — Isotonic Exercise.
70. The ideal nurse-client ratio in intensive care unit is — 1:1 (per shift).
71. Germ cell theory was proposed by — Louis Pasteur.
72. All NSAIDS including ibuprofen increase the risk of — Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Ulceration.
73. Vancomycin drug is responsible for — Red Men Syndrome.
74. The ultimate purpose of all nursing research is to — Improve care of patients.
75. Brief summary of research article is referred as — Abstract.
76. Cessation of breathing for a short period — Apnea.
77. The appropriate temperature of the water for sponge bath is — 110-115oF.
78. Vitamin D also known as — Anti-ricketial vitamin.
79. Zinc is required for synthesis of — Insulin.
80. Natural agent for disinfection is — Sunlight.
81. The antidote of organo-phosphorus poisoning — Neostigmine.
82. The specialized nerve cell — Neuron.
83. The inability to speech refers to — Aphasia.
84. Length of spinal cord is — 45 cm.
85. Inflammation of the oral mucosa is known as — Stomatitis.
86. The freshly prepared ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) should be used — within 24 hrs.
87. Laryngotracheobronchitis is known as — Croup.
88. Confirmatory test for AIDS — Western Blot Test.
89. The presence of an AIDS associated malignancy like — Kaposi Sarcoma.
90. Rh anti-D immunoglobulin is administered to the mother — Within 72 hrs of delivery.
91. Absent of speech and activities is termed as — Mutism.
92. Autism is diagnosed in — Toddler Age.
93. Congenital malformation of the embryonic neural tube and spinal cord causes — Spinal Bifida.
94. Largest gland in the body is — Liver.
95. Difficulty in swallowing is called — Dysphagia.
96. Relay station of body is — Thalamus.
97. Endemic syphilis is caused by — Treponema pallidum.
98. Rupture of alveolar walls is called — Emphysema.
99. A pear shaped sac attached to the posterior surface of the liver is called as — Gall Bladder.
100. Inflammation of urinary bladder is — Cystitis.
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