UKPSC Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam


Staff Nurse vacancies in Uttarakhand keep coming each year. Nursing aspirants should stay informed through the official website of Uttarakhand Public Service Commission or through national dailies- to get the notification of the latest staff nurse job vacancies, eligibility, and selection procedure. is a dedicated platform created simply to facilitate the nursing aspirants the information about each aspect of the UKPSC staff Nurse recruitment exam. Ranging from the new notification, age and education criteria, exam application fee, application start, and closing date, selection procedure, detailed syllabus for written exam, UKPSC staff nurse recruitment exam study material, previous year question papers and guess/practice papers.

 UKPSC Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam Study Material

At, nursing exam aspirants can obtain comprehensive study material to crack the UKPSC exam. Eligible candidates do not require to scroll down multiple webpages and download material from various sources. They can simply visit the website- to get the complete and all-in-one solution for the UKPSC Staff Nurse Exam.

UKPSC Nursing Officer Exam Previous Year’s Papers

To ensure practice and promotion of learning and improving, nursing aspirants must keep practicing previous exam question papers. Along with all that, solving practice papers and the guess papers is a good idea. Such resources are put together at, and aspirants can take advantage of these to support their preparation.

About UKPSC Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam-

Age and Education Eligibility- The age of the candidate should be between 18 to 45 years. Age relaxation is applicable as per government norms, seen in their notification. Applicants should have completed their B.Sc. (Nursing) or relevant qualification from the recognized university.

Selection Process of UKPSC nurse exam- The eligible candidate will be selected through a written exam and interview basis.

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